

Stay Secure From Spoofing And Phishing in Today's Era

What are spoofing and phishing?

Spoofing is when an intruder comes in the website and makes sure that the person in front of him believes they are interacting with each other and are very trust-able. They scam people by using a trustworthy email id, user name, phone number, and a website URL by which they can steal data, control systems, access systems, and spread malware.

Spoofing And Phishing

Spoofing is when the criminal imitates any individual or organization to gather personal or business information.

Phishing occurs when a person replies to a fraudulent email that shows it's an urgent thing or clicks on some catchy lines demonstrated in an email or text message.

Phishing is somehow related to fishing as it sounds. A fisherman knows when he will put bait in the fishing rod, and then the fish will be caught same occurs in phishing. The scammer or criminal gathers information about you from some website, and then they give you a giveaway message or something fascinating scheme.

People learn hacking as a proper subject to help people, organizations, and governments, but few don't use it well.

Types of spoofing

. Email spoofing:

Email spoofing is when a hacker sends and creates an email that will be recognized as one of the known emails by the victim. Many websites are the medium for such hackers by directly sending the information of the email id by which the victim had login into that particular website. 

Attention can prevent us from paying a suspicious email. If it asked you about your personal information or the ATM pin, you should avoid that. Skip the email that starts with a generic greeting or has attached strange documents. Avoid email which has urgency, like your account will be closed!

. Website spoofing:

website spoofing is when the hacker creates a fake website that looks like the legal one. Once you log in there, the hacker gets your account and the password by which they can get the required information.

These are followed mainly by spoofing and phishing emails, so the signs mentioned above to prevent email spoofing will also be helpful in website spoofing.

They start forming the trust between the website and the victim, so they are hard to detect.

. Call spoofing:

call spoofing is easy to track, and they are from unknown numbers, which are a bit different from the usual call numbers. So it is better not to answer suspicious phone calls and ask for your bank-related, personal information as no organization asks for your bank details.

Types of phishing

. Email phishing:

most phishing attacks are made by sending emails. We should always check the sender's email address as there are many ways to spot phishing, but one should be attentive.

. Spear phishing:

spear phishing is when the hacker already has some information about the victim. Inside the email, the victim is referenced informally, and the job, name, and user name are all written.

. Whaling:

whaling is a more sophisticated technique in which the senior of some office or industry is the victim. They are mostly portrayed as busy CEO.

. Smishing and vishing:

smishing and vishing involve the phishing done by messages and calls. Most of the time, by messaging the alerts with the link we get in the message section, the link will only lead to the fraudster.

. Angler phishing:

angler phishing is done when someone just posted their review or complaint about any organization. The hijackers ask for their details in the DM section, which leads to the information leak and the hack of personal information.

Prevention of spoofing and phishing

  • Stay attentive
  • Hide your IP address
  • Change passwords from time to time
  • Not opening the strange attachments
  • Use antivirus protection
  • never reply to emails and messages that ask for your personal information
  • Report things that are suspicious to you
  • Reduce spam mails
  • Keep every phase of the machine updated
  • Disable HTML based emails


When the internet comes to many knowledgeable and exciting things in this modern technological era, scammers also know how to manipulate or fool you. The scammer knows how to create a message or email that will look like it is urgent and from a trust-able site that asks for your details; otherwise, some critical thing will stop working, but we have to be aware of such intruders and not fall for their trap. While using any website, we should always pay attention to the website URL and stay attentive. To take measure against certain scammers is to be preventive and that is why you should know about the most common IP address,

These attacks are getting more active as the online work, transactions. Orders are getting common. People in a rush and not aware of such things are more prone to these things.