

What Programming Languages Should I Learn for a Web Developer Job?

 The web development industry has been flourishing for a while now. To create a fully functional website or web application, developers and programmers employ a combination of back-end and front-end languages called web development.

Programming Languages

To become a good web developer, you can learn and understand some of the most well-known web programming languages described in this article. First, you’ll need to determine your specialization, as you can’t be proficient in all the programming languages.

Determine Your Specialization as a Developer

You'll need to select a specialty as you keep improving your skills. What kinds of web development are there, though? All web developers fall into one of three categories:

Full-Stack Developer

A Full-Stack Developer works on both the front-end and back-end of a website and is knowledgeable about both.

Back-End Developer

A back-end developer is a web developer who works on the "server-side" of websites. This focuses on the functionality of a website and may include databases, servers, networks, hosting, and other things.

Front-End Developer

The "client-side" of web development refers to any area of the website or app where people interact with it. A front-end developer focuses on this area, and this can encompass the structure, look, and usability of a website.

The Most Popular Languages for Backend Web Development

Java, PHP, Python, and C# are a few of the best back-end web development languages. Let's begin to learn about these back-end languages, which are in charge of maintaining the functionality and storing the data for web pages.

Benefits of Java

  • Automated memory allocation and trash collection
  • Adheres to the stack allocation system
  • Provides significant independence of platform with the aid of JVM
  • Due to the usage of a security manager to define class access, it is incredibly safe.
  • Supports multithreading and distributed computing
  • Offers a wide range of APIs to carry out several essential functions like XML parsing, utilities, networking, and database connection

Drawbacks of Java

  • A lack of templates hampers the creation of high-quality data structures
  • The cost of memory management is high
  • Java is slow-going in comparison to programs like C and C#

Benefits of PHP

  • Offers many different frameworks
  • Simple to use while creating web pages
  • Possesses the Xdebug extension, which offers excellent debugging
  • Provides a vast ecosystem and outstanding community support
  • Supports a variety of automation tools for delivering and testing applications

Drawbacks of PHP

  • Takes a longer time to create a web page with PHP than with other languages
  • Error handling and security capabilities are lacking

Benefits of Python

  • Multiple platforms and systems are supported
  • Increases the efficiency of programmers and developers
  • Object-oriented programming is what motivates (OOP)
  • Provides a variety of support libraries

Drawbacks of PHP

  • A poor choice for mobile computing
  • Contains an immature and rudimentary database

Benefits of C#

  • Having the ability to work with shared codebases
  • Safer compared to C and C++
  • A language that is an object- and component-oriented
  • Uses a C-derived syntax comparable to that of C and other languages.
  • Language of choice for all Web development types
  • Well integrated with the .NET library
  • Includes extensive collections of library and data types functions
  • A faster method for compilation and execution

Drawbacks of C#

  • Not as flexible as C
  • Learning takes time and effort
  • To fix mistakes, you must possess good knowledge and expertise
  • Pointers are permitted in its "unsafe" blocks

The Most Popular Languages for Front-End Web Development

Now that you've read and comprehended languages for back-end web development, let's learn about some of the front-end languages most frequently used in this field by developers, including JavaScript and its frameworks, like React, Angular, and Vue.

Benefits of JavaScript

  • Quickly and without the need for compilation, it runs in browsers
  • Provides a more improved and enhanced website interface
  • Highly adaptable and offers the capability for data validation
  • Changes frequently via the ECMA standard
  • Use several add-ons, such as Greasemonkey, to increase its capabilities

Drawbacks of JavaScript

  • There are no alternatives or equivalent methods in it
  • There can be only one inheritance allowed
  • Its execution might be abused for nefarious purposes
  • The code may be interpreted differently by other browsers

Benefits of React

  • Increases production and makes it easier to maintain it
  • Ensures more rapid rendering and stable code
  • SEO-friendly and straightforward to understand
  • Provides a variety of practical instruments for the development of
  • Backed by a remarkably robust community
  • Makes considerable time savings by reusing key components

Drawbacks of React

  • Inadequate documentation
  • Added trouble brought on by SEO
  • Benefits of Angular
  • Complies with two-way data binding
  • Enables developers to create websites with the least amount of coding possible
  • Allows creation of high-quality and hybrid apps by improving server speed
  • Provides more responsive, dynamic, and faster application prototyping
  • Gives programmers the option to enhance testing such that the DOM and HTML code may be seen by data decoupling

Benefits of Angular

  • Deliver app-like experiences by utilizing the features of modern web platforms
  • Zero-step installation, offline functionality, and high performance
  • Utilize techniques from Cordova, Ionic, or NativeScript to create native mobile applications
  • Use the same Angular techniques to create desktop-installed apps for Mac, Windows, and Linux
  • With Angular, you get all the advantages of handwritten code with the efficiency of a framework while still using your templates to generate code that is highly optimized for today's JavaScript virtual machines
  • The new Component Router, which offers automatic code-splitting, makes Angular apps load quickly

Drawbacks of Angular

  • The dynamic nature of AngularJS-created apps causes them to perform poorly
  • Complicated pages inside the apps could have performance issues
  • Before creating a website, you must take the time to understand this language fully; otherwise, you could need assistance from an expert
  • You must ensure that JavaScript support is enabled on your systems for your app to operate correctly

Benefits of VueJS

  • Due to its 18 KB modest size, it does not consume a lot of system space
  • Because of Vue's clarity and simplicity, developers with a foundational understanding of JavaScript frameworks may pick it up quickly
  • Vue has substantial and in-depth documentation, which makes learning the program simple and quick
  • It makes it simple for developers to repurpose any code
  • VueJS simplify the process of data coupling between HTML and JS codes
  • It improves JavaScript frameworks' adaptability

Drawbacks of VueJS

  • It is less well-known than other JavaScript frameworks like React or Angular since it is less established
  • Its versatility might not be helpful in the case of large projects

The role of a full-stack developer depends on a wide range of abilities, many of which call for at least some proficiency in various essential programming languages. The following are some crucial abilities and languages that ambitious full-stack developers ought to learn:

  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • SQL
  • Rust
  • Java
  • Web Architecture
  • Critical Thinking
  • Patience
  • Communication

How Many Computer Languages Need to Be Learned?

The answer to this straightforward question is complex. It's challenging because, like so many other aspects of life, it depends on several factors. How experienced are you as a web developer? What kinds of projects are you working on or want to engage in? You’ll need to ask yourself these questions and reach a solution. That said, an IIT Roorkee-certified Full-Stack development course can set you off to a great start; you can check it out!


It is sensible to begin with the fundamentals if you're a novice Web Developer, but you can stand out from the crowd by specializing to some extent. Determining which languages are applicable in your industry, with the level of specialization appropriate for you, and gaining rather than losing popularity, is the ultimate solution. The best online courses at Great Learning are made ground up to suit the job requirements that evolve with the recent trends. So, this way, you stay ready to work, whether it’s Blockchain, Full-Stack development, or anything else.